The National Center

Witness the dream of the New National Center

Lega del Filo d’Oro has always had a great dream: to welcome every person who asks for help and to offer a home for life to many young and adult deafblind and multisensory impaired people. Thus was born the project of the National Center of Osimo and today, that dream, has become reality.

The new National Center is a hub of high specialization designed for the care, education, and rehabilitation of people with deafblindness and multisensory impairment, designed thanks to the experience and expertise gained by the organization since its foundation, in 1964.

Built in two phases, the Center is designed to create an environment entirely tailored to ensure the most complete usability and accessibility of every space for deafblind and severely disabled people: such as lighting studies, furniture types and placement, internal and external pathways facilitating orientation, individual rooms and bathrooms.

The new National Center represents the response to the current and future needs of those who do not see and do not hear. Today’s needs include the growing number of requests for intervention coming from families. Tomorrow’s needs are directed by the desire of many parents to know that someone will take care of their child when they are no longer able to do so.

Discover the Center by clicking on the buttons

Building 1

Education, Rehabilitation and Health Services

The heart of our center, where we engage people of all ages who are deafblind or have multisensory disabilities in educational, rehabilitative, and health activities.

Building 2

Institutional Activities

This building is for institutional functions dedicated to better serving our community, and is home to our Resource and Training Centres.

Building 3

Diagnostic Unit

Our users and their families’ first encounter with our specialists, this is where we evaluate and diagnose deafblind children and adults, and host the families during the diagnosis period.

Building 4

Intensive Treatments

This building is dedicated for users undergoing intensive treatments over several weeks. It replicates daily life with apartments, classrooms and services areas, as well as residences for families.